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Référence D25360
Titre How to do theory
EtatEtat correct  
AuteurWolfgang Iser
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DescriptionHow to do theory - Wolfgang Iser. Livre de 2006, écrit en anglais, éditions Blackwell, 211 pages. Literary theory has become a branch of learning in its own right, and for teachers as well as students its colplexities can sometimes be daunting. In this succinct introduction, Wolfgang Iser, himself a renowned theorist : explains what theory is and why it is that there are so many different theories. Deals in turn with those theories that have made the greatest impact in recent times, among them phenomenological theory, hermeneutical theory, gestalt theory, reception theory, semiotic theory, psychoanalytical theory, Marxist theory, deconstruction, anthropological theory, art as experience, and feminist theory. Outlines the main components of each approach and explains how it is constructed. Format 15 x 23 cm. Livre en état correct.

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